Book Update:

I am currently writing Tri Me: A Working Mom's Road from Last Picked in Gym Class to Iron Distance Triathlon Finisher.
The book proposal is complete, and several chapters are finished!
For some of the thoughts, dialogue and anecdotes that will be included in the book, read my blog below.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

DAY 37 Little Rock to Memphis
(photos: Our campsite in Memphis; Graceland, from the road out front)
Woke up to rain (again). Unfortunately I left Michael’s tent bubble outside because the sky was clear last night. So it is soaked and now riding in the outside storage. We stopped at a Target store in North Little Rock, then headed to Memphis. I even drove for a little while, until Michael woke up hungry. We are staying in an RV park a couple blocks from Graceland. We walked across the street to a cafeteria-style restaurant and ate there because it is raining and gloomy and freezing. During dinner, David and I were talking about how much fun Nora is, and how glad we are to have both kids on this trip. Nora really does make us laugh a lot. After we got back, we played on the bed with the kids and then took showers and got the kids clean, too. I fed and walked the dogs, and then of course they tracked mud in all over the RV. Plus this site is gravel and it isn’t level at all. Even using all the leveling slats we brought with us, David still could only get us from really tilted to slightly tilted. Oh well. The weather is supposed to improve tomorrow, but for tonight we have the heat on. It is supposed to get down to 40. I guess all the desert living made us pretty soft, because 40 feels extremely cold. Tomorrow we’ll see the sights here in Memphis.
(As I was reading through an old entry, I realized I never cleared something up. We were supposed to stop in Pecos, TX to get our groceries for the week. Nothing more is said about that until the next day’s entry, where we had stopped in Abilene for the same groceries the next morning. Turns out the store listed under “grocery” on the map in Pecos was a convenience/liquor store, about the size you‘d find attached to a gas station. We opted to wait until we could get to a real supermarket.)

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