Book Update:

I am currently writing Tri Me: A Working Mom's Road from Last Picked in Gym Class to Iron Distance Triathlon Finisher.
The book proposal is complete, and several chapters are finished!
For some of the thoughts, dialogue and anecdotes that will be included in the book, read my blog below.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Back to the grind

The three-day weekend was awesome, and I rode long every day.
Today I got up and did the normal Tuesday ride, as well. A good start to getting back into the work week. That makes four days in a row of hard cycling for me.

I can't believe how good I feel. I really hope this lasts!

Monday's ride with Justin was really good. We cut it a little short, but still rode almost 50, if you count the ride to and from the starting point. It was super hot Monday, and I was bathed in sweat before I even arrived at Hoover. Going across the dam, I picked up about 150 gnats, which got stuck in the sweat and stayed with me the whole ride. We didn't take a rest stop, so it was a good, solid ride.

On Sunday night, as I was checking the online training forum to make sure Monday's ride was still on, I saw that Justin had taken Sunday off, stating, "Saturday's ride killed me." That actually makes me feel great! He was working harder than me, for sure, since he was pulling me almost the whole time. But still. He took the day off, and I worked out for 5 hours, and then I came back for more on Monday. Yes!

This morning's pre-workday ride was solid, too. We had someone new along, and I was worried about him at first because it's just a technical and hard ride, but he soon proved he didn't need my pep talk. He kept up just fine. My legs were really starting to feel the fatigue on the climbs and the sprints. I also have an occasional cough, which is no good. I think I'm going to ease off as I approach my race Saturday.

No one had time to run after the bike today, so I'll see if Mike from work can run at lunch with me. He's a strong runner, and I imagine it's going to be super hot by lunch time.

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