Book Update:

I am currently writing Tri Me: A Working Mom's Road from Last Picked in Gym Class to Iron Distance Triathlon Finisher.
The book proposal is complete, and several chapters are finished!
For some of the thoughts, dialogue and anecdotes that will be included in the book, read my blog below.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The End Is Near

I feel like I can see the crazy old man standing on the street corner with the sign.
Especially this morning, when I had to get up at 4:30 a.m., and despite that, still didn't get my complete workouts in.

I feel like everything is apocalyptic and of paramount importance; while simultaneously feeling like my training is really done now, and it probably wouldn't hurt anything to eat junk food and have a beer. It's a very strange place to be, mentally. I'm starting to lose my resolve with diet and workouts, but then I sit around going over my list of things to pack for my race for the 18th time.

Here is an even more insane example: Although I do not seem to have time to mow the lawn, I have made it a priority to memorize all the lyrics to Eye of the Tiger, so that I don't end up with the same two lines running through my head for 14 hours during the race.

Really, people. Maybe I am the crazy old coot on the corner with the sign.

OK, so here was my morning:
4:30 a.m. [alarm]
4:50 a.m. leave the house. Turn on Eye of the Tiger in the truck. Make sure I am anticipating all the lyrics. (Go ahead, laugh.)
5:10 a.m. Arrive at office to pick up my Road ID and my Garmin 305, which I want to have for my run, but carelessly left at work yesterday.
5:25 a.m. Arrive at Ward YMCA, east of downtown. Park. Stretch.
5:30 a.m. Run for one hour, mostly in Bexley. Manage to avoid getting lost.
6:30 a.m. Arrive back at the Ward YMCA with plans to swim for 75 minutes.
6:31 a.m. Notice the sign on the door stating the pool is closed this week for maintenance.
6:45 a.m. Arrive at downtown YMCA
6:46 a.m. Pay $6 to park (!?*&%$*?!)
6:50 a.m. Change into swimsuit and shower
7 a.m. Begin swimming in pool that is only 20 yards long instead of 25 yards long.
7:20 a.m. Check the clock. Hmm. Not done yet.
7:25 a.m. Check the clock again. Dang.
7:30 a.m. Get out and get a kick board and get back in.
7:40 a.m. Give up on annoying short pool and get in whirlpool for 5 minutes
7:45 a.m. Shower and get ready for work.

So I only really swam 40 minutes instead of 75. Partly I had to finish up early because of all the time wasted driving and parking. Partly I lost my resolve.

I think I am starting to miss working out with other people.

Knee update: I shouldn't have sat around all day Monday. It really stiffened up without a workout that day, even though it was an intentional day off. Tuesday's bike ride was OK. Today's run was not great. I had a lot of pain and stiffness, but this was my longest run since the crash, and the first time I tried running first thing in the morning, instead of after a swim or bike session.

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